2009年5月31日 星期日

6月E3將爆出EPIC GAMES為PS3開發獨佔遊戲

Now official: Epic Games is really working on a PS3 exclusive horror game
The italian site Evereye has just received confirmation from SCEA that Epic Games is indeed working on a horror title, exclusive to PS3. The game will be showcased during Sony’s E3 press conference. Details are scarce as of right now, but apparently Epic has succeeded in building a graphic and phisic engine wich is superior to Gears of War 2.

意大利網站Evereye剛收到確認,索尼計算機娛樂美國的Epic Games公司的工作確實是一個恐怖標題,獨家為PS3 。比賽期間將展示索尼的E3新聞發布會。詳情稀缺截至目前,但顯然史詩已成功地建設了一個圖形和phisic發動機優於戰爭機器2 。
